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Business Information and Policies


  • Business Hours:

    • Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM – 8:00 PM

    • Friday-Saturday: 8:30 AM – 10:00 PM

Occasionally it is necessary for us to close or alter our hours. We make every effort to communicate this in advance via our newsletter, social media, and signs in our lobby. Please make sure you check in advance in the event of inclement weather or holiday closures!

  • Minimum and Maximum allowed hours per child:

    • Minimum: 1 Hour

    • Maximum for ONE DAY: 6 Hours

    • Maximum for one week (Mon-Sat): 10 Hours

  • Pricing:

    • 1st Child: $12/Hour

    • 2nd & 3rd Child: Each $5/Hour

    • Additional Children: Each $4/Hour

  • Registration:

    • A registration packet must be filled out at your child’s first visit by a parent or legal guardian. This can be filled out in advance online or in person when you arrive. At least one emergency contact other than a parent or guardian must be listed. Only adults listed in the registration packet will be permitted to pick up children.

  • Reservations:

    • Reservations can be made in advance to ensure a spot for your child(ren). Reservations are not required, but we do recommend them for weekends and school holidays. Reservations can be made on our website; you will receive an email confirmation during our business hours. For reservations made within 2 hours of arrival, please call our facility at 931-225-5155, as we may not see your email in time for your arrival.

  • What to Bring:

    • Any food and drinks you would like to send with your child (no peanut products, please!)

    • Diapers and wipes: If not provided, we have these available for purchase at our facility. Prices are $1/diaper and $0.25 for wipes per change.

    • Extra clothing: If no extra clothing is provided and your child has an accident or their clothes become soiled for any reason, we will provide clothing for them to wear. We do charge $5/item for clothing loans, which will be added to your total at checkout. If the clothing is returned within 1 month, the amount will be credited to your child’s next visit.

    • Electronics: Electronic devices such as tablets or phones are permitted in our facility if needed, but you must complete an Electronics Use Waiver in advance.

  • What Not to Bring:

    • Toys or other personal property: We have a huge variety of toys for children to play with at Muletown Kids, and it is extremely difficult for us to keep track of children’s personal toys if brought into the facility. Please keep these items at home or in the car!

  • Visiting Our Facility:

    • We require all shoes to be taken off before children enter the play area. We recommend also removing socks so they do not get lost while in our facility!

    • Children must sanitize hands before entering the facility.

    • We recommend putting your child in clothes that you don’t mind getting messy, as we often do crafts that involve paint and other materials that may get on clothing.

    • In the event of any minor injuries, a boo-boo report will be written and provided to the adult picking up the child. We keep these reports with your child’s file, but we are happy to provide a copy of the report if requested. If the rare event of any serious injuries, parents and/or emergency contacts will be contacted immediately.

    • In the event of any child causing harm to other children, our staff, or our facility, an incident report will be written and provided to the adult picking up the child. We keep these reports with your child’s file, but we are happy to provide a copy of the report if requested. After the third incident report, it is a requirement to discuss the next steps for the child at Muletown Kids. This may include taking a break or not returning to Muletown Kids.

  • Food and Drink:

    • Peanut products are not permitted at Muletown Kids.

    • You are welcome to pack food and drinks for your child to consume at our facility.

    • We do offer snacks, drinks, and meals for sale at our facility, as well as free filtered water. Please communicate to the caregivers at drop-off whether your child is allowed to have our snacks and whether you want to restrict the type of snacks they have here (a list is available at our facility). The cost for these snacks will be added to your total at checkout.

    • If no food is provided and your child is at our facility for 3 or more hours, we are required to offer your child a snack. This will be added to your total.

  • Illness and Emergencies:

    • While your child(ren) are in the care of Muletown Kids, you must be available by phone. We need to be able to reach you in case of questions, emergencies, or if immediate pickup is required due to an incident or illness.

    • If we call for your child to be picked up for any reason, it is a requirement to pick up within the hour. If you are unable to pick up within the hour, someone on your emergency contact list will need to pick up.

    • Please keep children home if they are sick. If there is any sign of a communicable illness, we will not allow them to stay at Muletown Kids. If your child becomes ill during their stay, they will need to be picked up immediately.

    • Children should only come to Muletown Kids once they have been free from fever (without medication), diarrhea, and vomiting for a full 24 hours. They should also be free from cold-like symptoms (i.e. yellow or green nasal discharge, barking or productive cough).

    • Caregivers reserve the right to turn away any child that appears to have symptoms of a communicable illness.

  • Pickup:

    • Only adults listed on your registration packet will be allowed to pick up your children. Please let us know at drop-off if you will not be the one picking up your child. Caregivers will always ask for ID if they do not recognize the person picking up.

    • If you exceed the amount of allowed hours (6 hours in a day or 10 hours in a week), you will be charged an additional $5 for every 15 minute interval that you are late. This amount will be added to your total at pickup.

    • If you pick up after closing time, there will be a charge of $1/minute per child added to your total.

  • Non-payment:

    • In the event of non-payment, a $15 fee will be added to your total at the time of pickup. An additional $15 fee will be added for each day that payment is late, for up to 30 days. After 30 days of nonpayment, legal action will be taken to collect payment.

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